TN Visa Engineer Approved for Maintenance Manager Position

TN VisaCase Info.
Filing Process:TN Visa Application @ USCBP - Peace Bridge, Buffalo, NY
Approval period:3-years
TN Category:Engineer
Job title / duties:Maintenance Manager: responsible for planning and coordinating a manufacturer’s maintenance functions for its electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical equipment.
Education:Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, and the designation of a Chartered Engineer from India.
Time under TN status:N/A
Green card filed:N/A
Case history:N/A
Strategy:The main issue here was establishing that the position offered, which was titled Maintenance Manager, fell under the TN visa category for Engineers. USCBP often contests managerial positions' eligibility for TN visa status.
To secure approval here, we included U.S. immigration decisions, U.S. Dept. of Labor publications, and other resources that confirmed that the job duties involved were consistent with the Engineering profession, and that other Engineering positions went by this job title or similar job titles.